
Total War Warhammer 2 Bretonnia Dlc

When people bring upward the idea of a Bretonnian DLC there is consistently a portion of the responses talking about how Bretonnia is FLC and should always stay FLC. I've made and remade the following arguments and will probably come back and edit them with improvements if I think of any. I hope I can convince these people that Bretonnia tin can, should, and will go a paid DLC expansion.
TLDR at the bottom.

Finish thinking of Bretonnia every bit the 'FLC faction.'

Every bit with the nature of what FLC actually is, it is a content update that needs whatever DLC or Base game to really use it. For example, Vlad and Isabella are not free. They were a free addition to the VCounts afterwards launch, but being FLC doesn't matter if you lot don't buy the get-go game. The same logic applies with any of the base of operations factions of the kickoff game. Equally it stands at present, Vlad and Isabella are base characters for Warhammer one.

With the release of Thorek Ironbrow, Dwarfs are now the same exact position equally Bretonnia. To play them you just demand either base game. I uncertainty anyone will exist brave enough to tell the Dwarf players they shouldn't have any hopes for more than DLC content at present that they're FLC now.

Bretonnia was a content update for W1. Notwithstanding owning W2 now comes with Repanse. This puts Bretonnia in a unique position compared to the residue of the factions. It has get a base faction for both Warhammer i & ii. As a result, there is a sect of the community that considers Bretonnia the FLC faction that should stay FLC. That's all they've always been and that's all they ever will be. Yet as I betoken out beingness FLC simply makes you role of the base content. Being "FLC" according to CA is but to show new players that the game does have content updates and that Full War is not the blazon of game with hundreds of dissimilar paid DLCs. The Bray Shaman lord is FLC exclusively for people who own the Beastmen race pack and/or the Silence and the Fury lord pack. Being FLC matters but to the people who ain either DLC. The same logic applies to Repanse and the other Bretonnian lords who only matter to the owners of the commencement ii games. Some may scoff at this now, only this applies to new players in Warhammer iii who might not accept the beginning 2 games.

The truth of the matter is that nothing is stopping CA from making a Bretonnian paid DLC salvage for the lack of Bretonnian content to implement and GW's permission. Calling them the 'FLC faction' is a crutch for... Well, I'thou not really sure. They were FLC and so they tin't get a paid DLC expansion, because of reasons????

These people normally argue that FLC should stay FLC then people can get free content rather than always having to pay for everything. It would get out the role player base unhappy to charge players for something that has always been complimentary. Were I to be uncharitable I would say that some of these arguments are by people who don't care about Bretonnia and would rather have Dev time and upkeep go to other factions. Were I to be charitable to these arguments then I would say that some people genuinely believe that there should be some aspect of new content that should be free to ease the minds of player's wallets. To them Bretonnia as a whole is a convenient candidate. To them I would say that FLC exists for all factions. A new unit, a new LL, a new generic Lord blazon can be created for whatsoever faction that desperately needs a bear on upward like the Dwarves with Thorek or the Beastmen with with the Bray Shamen Lord. Bretonnia should not be shackled by an idea of ever being free. If there is content to expand on in the size of a DLC and then information technology should be exciting to pay for information technology rather than a single lord only to play the same faction in a different place.

DLC always brings in more content than FLC. The only exception was Bretonnia'due south initial race launch. This doesn't matter considering they were half consummate at launch. People were mad when Warriors of Chaos were a preorder bonus and called information technology "cut content." Bretonnia may have been meant to be an at-launch base faction, just were probably left incomplete due to monetary restraints and/or time limitations. Nowadays people speculate what lords and units will be added to the Warriors of Anarchy roster, but Bretonnia notwithstanding suffers the sentiment of existence the FLC faction. I challenge anyone to justify this.

Any line of reasoning, these people argue that CA can't, shouldn't, or won't make a paid DLC expansion for FLC. To that I say, people thought DLC for DLC wasn't going to happen. Nonetheless Woods Elves and Beastmen exist to disprove that. [See meme below] If CA tin put together a DLC total of units for Bretonnia so they will. Bretonnia, like any other faction, has room to abound.

Bretonnia getting more cavalry diversity should exist welcomed.

Bretonnia has a smaller roster than most and could use a minor expansion. Some people argue that Bretonnia is a specialist faction that should stay as it is. No fancy questing beasts, no fay creatures from the Lady'south personal realm; Bretonnia should stay a human faction with by and large normal cavalry and not resort to the power creep of bigger and more powerful monstrous options that weren't even on tabletop. Nonetheless with being a cavalry specialist faction some diverseness should be welcomed. Imagine new ways to bruise your enemies, or indulge in that Arthurian fantasy. If being a heavy cavalry specialist faction meant the aforementioned matter to a heavy infantry specialist faction then the Dwarfs wouldn't take Slayers and Gyrocopters.

Some people indicate out that Bretonnia is consummate with nothing left to add. Not merely that, but CA EXPANDED on Bretonnia beyond what they had available on tabular array top. I don't care what was on tabular array meridian. Bretonnia hadn't gotten a new armybook since 6th edition. No on complained when HElves got Rangers and Silverin Guard. Bretonnia, more than most, is desperate for an update in Lore and ground forces.

If we want to pad out the roster with loreful and logical additions, like the Rangers and Silverin Guard, then it could exist possible with sword and board weapon variants for Squires and Knights Errant. Notwithstanding, units can be taken from the lore or invented if needs be. I at present nowadays to you lot a listing of options for Bretonnia that are fully inside theme, playstyle, and lore.

  • Questing beasts every bit a new monstrous mount choice, that isn't flying, would be a absurd alternative to hippogryphs. The Questing Creature is not only EXTREMELY Plumbing equipment for the Arthurian theme, but in that location was also already concept art. Encounter the end of this department.
  • The Sons of Bretonnia, or Lost Sons, could be a mix of Grail Knights, Aspiring Champions, and Doomfire Warlocks, but with questing fauna mounts, would be a fantastic addition to the roster. Elite units like Grail Knights, low unit of measurement count like Aspiring Champions(But nevertheless powerful and with minor utility), and magical units with bound spells like Doomfire Warlocks and Zoats.
  • A Faceless Hero or Lost Son Hero-variant would finally add the much needed Replenishment that Bretonnia needs. The Faceless could be a peasant buffer while the Lost Son Hero could be like to the Loremaster of Hoeth, just with mount options. Both could simply exist available to factions with high Knightly as both peasant hero and champion of the Lady would but serve skillful and honourable lords.
  • Creatures from The Court Beneath/Fay Realm/Haven could mix up the inexpensive infantry and elite cavalry. This would assistance expand on the mystical side of Bretonnian military and lore. Definitely don't add together dragons, merely there are Lake-Lions that could deed as more elite and aquatic Chracian War Lions.

Bretonnia has a lot of potential for new, exciting, and thematic units that would add to the playstyle, not take away from it. Even Herrimaults could be added equally a semi-elite variant or ROR of the peasant archers. The fact is that expansion is possible. Earlier you ask, Giant Snails will never be on any list of mine. Giant Snails could act every bit mini-fortresses with peasant archers on top. I had a talk with a buddy who was around during Oldhammer and he convinced me the idea isn't so bad.

Below is the concept fine art mentioned with the Questing Beasts. Before you inquire I have no idea what those carriage things and flying ships are about, and would greatly appreciate any info on them.

Bretonnia will accept its day, just not soon.

The truth is that CA doesn't have a lot to piece of work with to make new units. Everything I described previously were just semi-obscure references in the lore and old concept fine art. Even if CA wanted to add these to the game they would need GW'southward permission. The fortunate reality of Bretonnia'due south state is that they will go a well crafted DLC, but it volition probably happen later during TW:Warhammer 3's lifespan. [At the time of this edit] There are rumors about Bretonnia's army about being finished for the "Old Earth" setting. This means that Bretonnia may get its DLC sooner than I originally anticipated. Specially considering that Bretonnia was i of the showtime factions shown in that lore update a few months back. CA worked with GW to brand Kislev and they, to my knowledge, didn't even have a fully fledged armybook on the tabular array top. Bretonnia could get the same handling, but we just don't know when that volition happen. If in that location is ample involvement in Bretonnian content then GW and CA will discover. Only then volition they make up one's mind to create content.


Thinking of Bretonnia every bit the FLC that therefore can't/shouldn't/won't get a paid DLC expansion is pointless. CA can do as they please if they have something to sell and existence FLC doesn't affair. Some would say that Bretonnia has cipher left to add other than characters, but, despite tabletop, Bretonnia does accept options in the lore that would add to Bretonnia'due south playstyle and theme. With GW working on "The Old Globe," Bretonnia volition have its twenty-four hour period. Information technology's just a matter of time. All we Bretonnian fans can practise now is evidence interest by playing the faction, making mods, talking and speculating on the diverse forums, and unironically making memes like this ane.

And now a meme of my own pattern:

Edits: Added to some sentences to ameliorate my arguments throughout the mail. Updated the "Bretonnia will have its mean solar day, just not soon" section to mention of recent rumors of Bretonnia.
More Edits: Changed my stance on Behemothic Snails. Yes I know I said never. I also added a bit more about Dwarfs being as FLC as Bretonnia.
Even More than Edits: Added another meme and fixed upwards some grammar.


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