
What Sides Go With Fish Cakes

What to Serve with Fish Cakes
Fish Cakes

Fish cakes are incredibly tasty deep-fried treats fabricated from your favorite white fish. Whether it's cod, walleye, perch, haddock, or trout, fish cakes have an amazing crisp on the outside, tender, flaky, and moist on the inside quality that even non-fish fans will relish.

These scrumptious patties are so easy to make and are affordable to boot. Since they're budget-friendly, you can serve them with a bunch of sides to round out the meal.

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You'll want to pick sides that complement the flavor and texture of your fish cakes. Don't fret, though, because nosotros're hither to help you lot make the right choices. Here are 10 of the all-time side dishes to serve with fish cakes.

Tartar Sauce

i. Tartar Sauce

We'll outset with the most obvious even so near perfect partnership. Fish cakes won't exist near as skilful without a dipping sauce – and tartar sauce is the best of them all. You tin't go incorrect with this proficient old-fashioned classic – it goes well non simply with fish cakes, but with other deep-fried dishes, also. Plus, it's and then easy to whip up: but combine mayonnaise, sour cream, dill pickles, Dijon mustard, garlic, parsley, capers, onion powder, pepper, and lemon juice.

Caesar Salad

2. Salad

Fish cakes, especially if fried, might not be the healthiest dish, so you may want to pair them with something more lite and nutritious. When it comes to nutritious sides, your best candidate is a fresh salad. What I love about it is the versatility. Y'all can use your option of veggies, basics, protein, and dressing, and whether information technology's topped with a flossy Caesar dressing or a refreshing balsamic vinaigrette, it will taste wonderful with fish cakes.

lemon garlic herb rice

3. Rice

Fish cakes are already loaded with carbs, just if you're feeding a group of hungry guests, serve the patties with rice!

Rice can seem then basic, but the simplicity is what makes it so perfect. Fish cakes are on the rich side, so it'southward nice to have something a little more than patently to residual out the strong flavor.

A basin of lemon garlic herb rice pairs especially well with the fish. Creating a wonderful meal your family won't before long forget!

Sweet Potato Fries

4. Sugariness Potato Fries

Fish cakes are rich and savory, so you'll desire something sweet to complement those flavors. When information technology comes to sweet sides, I tin't call back of anything amend than sweetness potato fries.

These crispy treats are both incredibly yummy and easy to make. You don't even need to fry them – just popular them in the oven and they're good to go!

Asparagus With Hollandaise Sauce

five. Asparagus and Hollandaise Sauce

Aside from a salad, asparagus is besides a slap-up, guilt-complimentary way to round out your meal. This crunchy veggie works great with the tender fish cakes, and its vibrant green hue gives a beautiful contrast to the golden chocolate-brown patties.

If you lot feel that some steamed asparagus stalks are a little too deadening yous can make things more exciting by making a hollandaise sauce to put on top.

Not only volition the sauce taste dandy with the asparagus, merely you lot could likewise utilize information technology to season the fish cakes for fifty-fifty more than delicious flavor.

Baked Beans

six. Baked Beans

Baked beans are incredibly delicious and filling. It's the perfect side to serve when y'all need to feed a large oversupply.

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You don't need a lot of ingredients to make broiled beans super yummy – just melt them with brownish sugar and top them with caramelized bacon and they're good to go!

Corn Pudding

7. Corn Pudding

Requite your repast a nice southern flair by serving it up with some sweet and savory corn pudding. Corn pudding has such beautiful rustic flavors that become well with both meat and fish. With it'southward custard-similar creaminess, this dish is then addictive, you'll definitely need to whip upwardly a large batch!

Broccoli Salad

8. Broccoli Salad

Desire a quick and easy salad to go with your fish cakes? Instead of the usual leafy greens, apply broccoli instead!

Broccoli salad includes the wonderful flavors and textures of broccoli, raisins, salary, and cheese. And the dressing isn't so bad either – the combination of mayo, vinegar, and sugar ties all the ingredients up into one heavenly dish.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

9. Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Roasted Brussels sprouts are delicious – they're nutty, savory, and super nutritious. Perfectly caramelized Brussels sprouts are crisp on the outside and tender on the inside – much like fish cakes! That's why they go corking together.

To avert catastrophe up with biting Brussels sprouts, be sure to coat them generously with olive oil and don't overcook them.

Overcooking Brussels sprouts causes them to release sulfur, leading to the funky odor and taste. A expert xx-thirty minutes in the oven will consequence in perfectly yummy sprouts!

Cucumber Salad

10. Cucumber Salad

Fish cakes pair perfectly with a refreshing cucumber salad. Be sure to cut your cucumbers thinly. Mix in some red wine vinegar, sugar, and kosher salt and you've got a delightful side salad.

This crisp, refreshing side is a delightful combo with the savory fish cakes. Creating a beautiful harmony of textures and contrasting flavors.

What to Serve with Fish Cakes: 10 Easy Options


  • Tartar Sauce

  • Salad

  • Rice

  • Sweetness Spud Fries

  • Asparagus and Hollandaise Sauce

  • Baked Beans

  • Corn Pudding

  • Broccoli Salad

  • Roasted Brussels Sprouts

  • Cucumber Salad


  • Select your favorite recipe.
  • Organize all the required ingredients.
  • Prep a delicious side dish!
What to Serve with Fish Cakes


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